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I was lucky enough to be selected as one of Starcatchers’ latest recipients of their Play Space fund.  I’m working on a piece of interactive theatre for 3-5 year olds and their families, that explores the themes of Ownership, Isolation and Loneliness. 

I’ll be working with Fergus Dunnet and Gilchrist Muir.  Fergus is designing and building a giant Sou’wester for me and Gilchrist will be an outside eye for the development weeks. 

Updates to follow... For now enjoy a video of one the inspirations...

During the development Gilchrist [Parky] and I worked on the story below and the images above.  It’s not finished yet… here is where we got to.  Currently there is too much in it for how interactive and playful I’d like the show to be but it’s a nice structure to work from. 

The Story so far...

The Fisherman sits in his boat in the middle of the sea, his rod in the water.  He waits.  The boat has no oars and no sail.  This is where the Fisherman is and has always been. 

He catches the same and only fish he ever catches. 

The fish persuades him to let him have a go. 

The fish catches a crown. 



They fight over who’s crown it is.  The fisherman snatches it away and crowns himself The King Fisher (This is not overly mean, he just gets caught up in the excitement of it all.)



Dark ominous sky. 

He makes the fish catch him more things.  A boot, a plastic bottle.  A rope. A telescope. He claims everything as his.

He looks through the telescope and spies land.  “LAND HO!”  He throws the rope around the fish and screams at him to swim hard.  “Swim as hard as you can little fish”

They reach land.  It is fascinating.  The fisherman has never even seen land let alone stood on it.  



“Come on fish.  Let’s see what else is mine.” 

He pulls on the Fishes rope.  The fish struggles to stay in the water.  “I can’t breathe!”. 

“But you are mine!  You have to come”

“I am my own”.  Says the fish and it swims away.  

The fisherman empties the boat of all his things onto the shore.  Just as he is about to go and explore the island, he sees the sea taking his things away.  He runs down the shore in a panic and gathers up all his things. 

“These are mine!  You leave them alone Sea.  MINE.”

The sea is silent.  

“That’s what I thought.”

We see him traveling across the island claiming all things as his own, until eventually he has claimed everything.  

He sits, covered in all of his things.  “I AM THE KINGFISHER, AND ALL OF THIS IS MINE”.  The sea is getting louder and louder and we can see it start to annoy The Fisherman. 


He storms down to the beach and yells to the sea.  “YOU ARE MINE SEA.  YOU ARE MINE.  SO BE QUIET!”

But the sea doesn’t listen.  It laps at his feet.   He goes to grab the sea, and tries to pull it up to his throne.  His crown falls off and tumbles into the water just as The Sea barrels over him and overpowers him.  

He’s thrashing around for his crown as the sea floods the whole island.  He’s covered in all of the things he has collected and is getting overwhelmed and struggling to stay afloat. 

The fish swims in, knocks the things off him and pulls him to safety.  The sea falls back and he falls empty handed into the boat, gasping but safe. 


Fish and Fisherman reunited. 

Does the Fisherman let the fish catch him? 

Has the rod gone missing?  Do they sing a song together?  

The Fisherman is sorry.  Does he makes the fish a crown?  

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